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From Baptising Individuals to Baptising Households (Act16:33)
Jan and T had been church-goers for over 30 years and never baptised anybody nor really made a disciple. After attending a training session with us, they were able to quickly put into practice what they learnt. We taught and showed them how to baptise others in water as they learned by being alongside us as we water baptised two other young persons.
Immediately they shared with 2 other families about obeying Jesus in the basic command of making disciples and being baptised in water, leading them to repentance. Within a few weeks, while on a road trip from Perth down to the Southwest region of Western Australia with them, they took the step to baptise the family of 4 in water! Weeks later, the other couple also committed their lives to Christ and also took the step of faith to be water baptised!
From Being Depressed to Being a Disciple
While my family and I were staying in a rental apartment not too far from the UWA, God led me into a university student group, where I met many of the students in a Christian fellowship group. One evening, I asked one of the girls, “How are you?” and then that simple question turned into a 2 hour long conversation. She shared about some of her struggles and especially with depression for the past years. Jo grew up in a Christian family. When I first met her she was quite well versed with the Bible, and everything seemed alright on the surface. Shortly after that fateful evening, we met up and had a time of prayer and Discovery Bible Studies. Through a series of God encounters and repentance, God set her free from depression and she rededicated her life to Christ and chose to be water baptised a few months later.
Young People Arise!
After attending a training, a 14 year old boy was deeply convicted by the Holy Spirit regarding his lost schoolmates. He immediately felt to reach out to his friends who did not know Jesus and soon had a group of 15. Together with other youth in the church, they are planning to start a second group.
Helping the Homeless
I saw opportunities open up. Today I was able to help a homeless mom and 8 week old baby. sleeping at the corner of the road near my home. I spent 8 hours getting to know her and brought her a meal and to the supermaket to buy groceries. We were able to pray together, and the mom prayed to Jesus as well
Kingdom of God for the kingdom of Bhutan
I met a Person of Peace whom I sat next to on the plane ride from Singapore to Perth 2 months ago. I managed to have conversations about God and spiritual stuff. I learnt a lot about the culture of the kingdom of Bhutan and I shared with her about mine. She was making her first trip to Perth, with her husband to follow on another flight later the next month for his post‐grad degree studies. We exchanged numbers and a few days later she opened the doors to her Bhutanese community here in Perth. She invited my husband and I to have a Bhutanese meal with her and her sister at their rented home and then subsequently I invited her and the rest of her family to my place for a meal! This is just the beginning of His kingdom coming to this people group here in Perth!
Interesting fact: Perth City has the largest number of Bhutanese outside of BT? They have a total population Of over 700,000, and it is estimated that about 20,000 of them are in Perth!
Bhutan is a landlocked Southern Asian country, which is situated in the Eastern Himalayas, between China in the north and India in the south. A mountainous country, Bhutan is known locally as “Druk Yul” or “Land of the Thunder Dragon”.
With majority 85% Buddhists and only 0.7% Christians, we have an open opportunity to reach them while they are on Aus shores! Please pray for the Kingdom of God to come to the kingdom of Bhutan!