Our equipping hubs seek to equip the saints to do the works of service through understanding these five gifts of Christ, namely, the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd(Pastor) and Teacher, and to continue till the body of Christ comes to maturity and to the fullness of Christ.
Eph 4:7-14 (NIV)
7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. 8 This is why it says: “When he ascended on high,
he took many captives
and gave gifts to his people.”9 (What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? 10 He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.) 11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Our Apostolic-Prophetic Equipping Hub in Western Australia aims to equip you with a strong spiritual understanding and foundation of the 5 Gifts of Christ with a focus on the apostolic and prophetic functions within the Ekklesia.
Why the Apostolic and Prophetic Gifts :
The Apostolic and Prophetic gifts can sound very intimidating to the church-at-large. That is mainly because the church of today does not understand and has also sorely misunderstood the functions and roles of the apostles and prophets. Because of the lack of understanding, the fear of the unknown, and perhaps a bad experience with the immature expressions of these gifts, they are generally rejected and required to conform to the norms of the acceptable “safer” gifts of the Evangelist, Shepherd and Teacher.
God is restoring the apostolic and prophetic to His Kingdom. The gifts of the apostle and prophet are not any more important than the evangelist, pastor/shepherd, or teacher. They are not something higher, but one of the 5‐fold functional gifts meant to train and equip the saints for the work of the ministry. We (the church) have really made them out to be something that’s religiously out of place.
In fact, apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church (Eph 2:20). If the living stones of the body of Christ are built on this foundation with Christ as the chief Cornerstone, then it is important we know, understand and walk in the “who, what and how” these “foundation stones” of apostles and prophets are and should be.
Away from the hustle and bustle of everyday busyness and life, we will be tucked away in the serenity of several nights of stay‐in training in a house at Margaret River, by a small lake, where there will be sessions of teaching, training, equipping, prayer, coaching, activation and exercise of gifts, praxis, conversations, reflections, ministry including pockets of chill time in the midst of nature in the world-renown Margaret River region of wineries and vineyards.
We have planned trainings and teachings to cover but are sensitive and flexible to leave room for the Holy Spirit to have His way.
Sessions may include but are not limited to the following but will be fresh and dynamic depending on each batch of participants:
- Teaching on the Five Gifts of Christ – Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd and Teacher gifts
- Rediscovering the Kingdom of God and Ekklesia (Jesus said ” I will build My Ekklesia…” – Matt 16:18)
- Discerning God’s Voice – Find out how your character can affect your ability to hear God accurately.
- Building on Apostolic-Prophetic Foundations for Ekklesia
- Interpreting Prophecy, Dreams and Visions
- Maturing in Holistic Apostolic and/or Prophetic Ministry
- Together on Kingdom Assignments
- Engaging in Spiritual Warfare and Intercession through Prophetic Insight
- Discerning and Navigating through Last Days Happenings

"When I prayed about joining this, I believe they are sent by God to the body of Christ for such a time as this."
- David, Perth
"Truly I am a gratefully thankful duckling, Karen and Jason . May this be only the beginning of me learning how to submit and learn and grow in all God wants to do
I have never known such amazing possibilities for my future
Thanks be to God for this new freedom
May I spend my freedom on God's plan for my life and not my own ideas!!!"
- K.M, Perth
This hands-on, practical, in-depth training and equipping is for :
- those who desire to grow in maturity in the Apostolic and Prophetic gifts in particular, or
- those who like to “ Discover the 5 Gifts of Christ“(click link for training synopsis) ; or
- whoever is prayerfully led by the Holy Spirit to participate.
1. Equip through training
2. Engage through conversation and prayer
3. Empower through coaching
4. Embolden through praxis
5. Establish through teaching

Karen and Jason Tay (Please refer to our page “About our Equippers” for trainers full bios)
For almost 30 years, Karen has been receiving dreams and visions from God and many of the dreams pertaining to nations and individuals have come to pass and granted her insight for intercession as well as spiritual warfare. Activating and empowering many others to walk in the supernatural, she strongly believes that in these last days of great deception we live in, the true mature function of the 5 Gifts of Christ, is the key to bringing the body of Christ to maturity, so that we no longer are like little children tossed to and fro by every wind and wave of doctrine, but we can grow up in Christ who is the Head, according to Ephesians 4. She is particularly burdened and passionate to see the prophetic mature and blossom and loves to strategise and encourage disciples to go to where God has sent them to multiply and reproduce disciples to fufil the apostolic mission of Christ.
Jason actively functions in the gifts of healings and prophecy. Through his apostolic and teaching gift he is able to give deeper prophetic insights into the last days.
Together they also conduct simple church planting (Zúme) trainings to empower the saints from different parts of the world, to plant simple missional churches that reproduce and multiply.
- 1st week of Spring ( Sept 2023) Registration Closed
- 1st week of Summer (Dec 2023, Sunday to Friday) Registration Closed.
- 1st week of Autumn (Mar 2024 Monday to Friday) Registration closed.
- Spring intake (19-23 Aug 2024) (by invite only)
Location: Margaret River, Western Australia.
- Small Intake ‐ only limited to 6 persons per intake, for highly interactive learning and community building . (minimum 2, maximum 6)
- We highly recommend you submit your interest early as it is a small intake on a “first come, first serve” basis once registration fee is paid in full.
- For overseas participants, you may wish to book your flight early to ensure flight availability and to get cheaper flights.
- REGISTRATIONS OPEN for 19-23 Aug 2024 intake.
Please prayerfully consider and email us at info@missionalmovements.org to initiate conversations for registration.
FEE of $300 AUD covers outgoing expenses :
- accommodation
- cleaning fee of accommodation
- transport to and from Perth-Margaret River-Perth and time in MR. (for overseas participants only)
FEE does NOT cover :
- Meals – group buy of groceries/cooking to be done in kitchen of house (9-10 meals of home-cooking by participants on rotational basis. Total approx cost for 5 days- $60-90 per person. 3 meals outside average AU$20-40 per meal per person.
- Airport transfers (to and from Perth airport to Meeting point in Perth)
- Your own flight (if applicable) – please ensure your flight arrives before departure time from Perth
Car pooling is the way to go. Depending on the make-up of participants, whether local or overseas, arrangements can be discussed.
For Overseas Participants
- Depart from Perth to Margaret River on the first day : 10 am
- Meeting Point in Perth: 30 min from airport. (details to be given after registration with payment)
- Depart from Margaret River to back Perth on the last day : 10am
- Arrive in Perth from Margaret River : approx. between 2-430 pm on the final day
- As the number of overseas participants is small, we can offer home-stay accommodation in Perth, shared car pooling, upon request.
For Local Participants, we encourage you to drive to the Equipping Hub location on your own. If you are driving, it will be great if you can offer a space to 1 or 2 others (max.) in your car if needed!
Please prayerfully consider if this is for you and email us at info@missionalmovements.org to initiate conversations for registration.
- Once fee is paid, you are confirmed a space.
- Fees are NOT refundable except for cancelled flights or due to any other unforseeable circumstances.
- Fees are NOT refundable for change of mind.
- There are no costs for the training and equipping. However we encourage biblical giving. A lot of time, experience and effort are resources that have been ploughed into the training and sometimes into the booking of the training venue.
- True biblical giving is not coerced, nor made compulsory, nor out of duty or obligation but it is always done out of love.
- Jesus said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” “Freely you have received, freely give” is more than a cliché and it applies to all who are followers of Christ. It is a beautiful pattern of the kingdom economy that is befitting for the ways of the kingdom as we love and serve one another. So do give freely and generously!