“7 Signs in John” Tool (for both pre-believers and believers)

How to Use the “7 Signs in John” tool in a Discovery Bible Studies (DBS)
John 20:30-31 (NKJV) “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” This tool is particularly helpful to pre-believers who are interested in the Bible and interested in knowing who Jesus is. Through facilitating the reading of 7 Signs, and asking these questions, it is designed to help them discover Jesus as God. They are also framed in such a way to encourage SIMPLE OBEDIENCE and also SIMPLE SHARING by a new/pre-believer to others in his/her community. In this way this tool seeks to: 1) be personally applicable (and does not end up as a bible study that focuses on just giving information/head knowledge) 2) be simply sharable by a seeker to his/her community. Get one person in the group to facilitate ie. ask questions, a story in the passages, each time you meet. A different person can facilitate the DBS each time. Encourage the pre-believer/ seeker to likewise facilitate the study with others who are open and seeking. |
Discovery Learning Journey (DLJ) Tool (for believers)
– Trainer & Facilitator Guide For Making & Multiplying Kingdom Disciples & Communities for Christ
Testimonies from 2 church leaders:
“This is exciting, It made me want to read the rest of the NT again!”
“I am not exaggerating here, but I had a super, duper fantastic time with a few others today! The Holy Spirit showed up through teleconference , how cool is that? We will have more sessions to come!!! :)”
Testimony of a 24 yo, 2nd generation Christian, who has been a church-goer all her life. She started on 1 DLJ challenge:
“I really enjoyed reading the Bible with this approach. I actually find it easier to read than the usual way of reading it in verses and chapters. I have also discovered many things in Paul’s letter than all the other times!”
DLJ is a challenge designed to help disciples of Christ gain a biblical worldview on the kingdom of God and to use only the Bible to disciple others in small kingdom communities. It is the goal of this tool to not just make kingdom disciples in small groups, but to also multiply kingdom missional communities.
For years and centuries, many have been taught, dictated by “experts”, pastors, bible schools on what the Bible says. This has produced sermon-listening church-goers, loyal fans of a church brand or celebrity pastor-teacher, more denominationalism splitting hairs over doctrines and greater division in the body of Christ rather than disciples who know Jesus, follow Him and walk with God who are empowered and taught by the Holy Spirit, reproducing other disciples the like.
This DLJ approach to reading the NT and the letters of Paul to churches helps one to discover for themselves and gain a biblical perspective of what the letters actually say.
The DLJ can be used to launch small discipleship communities on a discovery journey of the kingdom of God together, and in turn can be replicated to launch new discipleship communities.
“Teaching on Water Baptism” Tool (for believers)
This tool is for you to teach others to teach others and in so doing obey Jesus. We must teach followers of Christ to obey Jesus at this basic command – not just to have followers baptised in water but to teach them to baptise other followers in water!
Jesus taught his disciples in Matt 28:19-20 – to make disciples who can baptise other disciples in water and to teach them to obey ALL that He has commanded. If a disciple of Christ cannot even baptise others in water, how are we even obeying Jesus in what He has commanded?
This tool is a comprehensive teaching on water baptism, seeking to teach disciples to obey Christ in the most basic of commands – water baptism. Water baptism has long been a forgotten command left to only clergy to perform.
We hope this empowers you and your spiritual community to make disciples and baptise them in water into the nature of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.
More questions on the truth and fallacies of water baptism? Please go to Blog/Short Articles page on Making and Multiplying Disciples Part 5 – water baptism.