Get Equipped

Get Going on the Journey of Disiciple-Making with these Training and Equipping Intensives

Get Equipped!

The following training & equipping intensives are designed to be conducted within a few hours of a day. They are in-person trainings that could be tailored for your small group, your church or your leaders. (For online trainings, please go to our “online trainings” page.)

(1) Overview and Introduction to Kingdom Disciple-Making Movements (DMM) – 2 hours

  • In this 2-hour introduction, you will get an overview to understand what Kingdom DMM is all about.
  • What is a movement and what in particular is a DMM?
  • Learn how we can fulfil the mission Jesus left us with – “to make disciples of all nations…”  (Matt 28:18-20).
  • Practical steps to get started on your disciple-making journey.

If you are a follower of Christ who desire to obey God’s mission to us, or a leader in your spiritual family, a church pastor who desires to see more disciples raised up who make other disciples, this overview is a-must in order to get introduced to the kingdom operatives of disciple-making and how it can continue beyond yourself as a disciple. 

Interested in conducting this for your church/community of believers?
​Email us at to get the conversation started

(2) FRUITFUL DISCIPLESHIP Intensive Part 1 (Recommended Training Time: 4 hours)​

​”I have been a Christian for some time, but I feel stagnant and unfruitful. I have not been able to lead many to Christ and bear fruit for Him by making disciples. I want to obey Jesus and His commands. How can I BECOME A FRUITFUL DISCIPLE THAT MAKES OTHER DISCIPLES?”

This intensive will help you to:

  • Discover and walk in God’s purpose for you as a disciple of Christ.
  • ​Break down “Walls” that make you unfruitful.
  • Learn how to disciple wherever God has placed you (home, school, workplace, community, neighbourhood, etc.)
  • Learn to be missional and multiply disciples for His Kingdom.
  • Make disciples who transform families and communities.

Interested in conducting this for your church/community of believers?
​Email us at to get the conversation started

(3) FRUITFUL DISCIPLESHIP Intensive Part 2 (Recommended Training Time: 3 hours)

Having a Prophetic Foundation for Disciple-Making Movement – Discerning the Voice of God
In this intensive, you will learn the following :

  • Laying foundations for Hearing God’s Voice
  • Identifying hindrances to hearing God’s Voice
  • Growing in discernment of spiritual things
  • Being activated in the Spirit realm for disciple-making

(4) FRUITFUL DISCIPLESHIP Intensive Part 3 (Recommended Training Time: 3 hours)

Fathering – Disciple Your Family and Others God’s Way.

Discipleship should happen in the home. Through strong, healthy families that experience God’s ways at home, communities are transformed and God’s kingdom values and culture can permeate society.

Discipleship involves bringing others into maturity in Christ, so that they can grown from little children, to young man and to become fathers. (1John 2:12-14)

Knowing the Father heart of God is important in shepherding a community and effective dsicipling of fruitful communities.

Interested in conducting this for your church/community of believers?
​Email us at to get the conversation started

(5) FUNDAMENTAL LEADERSHIP Intensive (Recommended Training Time: 2-3 hours)


All over the world, God is awakening His people to His Kingdom. Many are beginning to ask, “What really is the Kingdom of God?”

​From a historical perspective, if the Kingdom was taken away from Israel and given to us (Matt.21:43), what was it that God expected Israel to be or do, which they failed, which is now expected of us?

Jesus taught us to pray “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as in heaven” (Matt.6:10). That is not just a future event. God in fact, wants His will to be done on earth now. Paul tells us all things were made by Him and for Him and He came to reconcile everything so that everything would be brought back under His rule. The prophets Isaiah and Daniel also prophesied “the increase of His government” that would one day fill the whole earth.

The gospel or good news that Jesus preached is His Kingdom coming to earth – not merely salvation to go to heaven. Our will is we want to go to heaven, but God’s will is for His Kingdom to come on earth!

Let’s JOURNEY TOGETHER from “churchianity” to “kingdom”, from the religion of “christianity” to life as a citizen of God’s kingdom, from self-centredness and self-rule to being under God’s kingdom rule, so that we will see His kingdom being established here and now.

  • Church is not really the same as Ekkelsia!
  • Becoming the Ekklesia that Jesus is Building
  • Re-laying the true foundations of Christ
  • Walk through the Bible to rediscover Ekklesia as Jesus wants it

Interested in conducting this for your church/community of believers?
​Email us at to get the conversation started

(6) FLOURISHING MINISTRY Intensive (“Fundamental Leadership” is a requirement before this) 

(Part 1 intensive: 4 hours /Part 2 extended interactive: +3-4 hours on 2nd day

Do you desire to see God’s people empowered to do the work of the ministry and see the Church of Jesus Christ come to maturity of stature? Do you desire to see the body of Christ come to the unity of faith? 

God’s word in Ephesians 4:11 tells us that this can only happen when the gifts of Christ – the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, and Teacher (APEST), are released to train and equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. What we typically see today in the Body of Christ are individual parts functioning in isolation but are not joined together. Is it possible to see the APEST gifts function together with unity and purpose? 

​How do the APEST gifts function in tandem to empower God’s people and to catalyse Disciple-making Movements so we can fulfil the mission Jesus gave us?

This session will help kingdom-minded leaders and disciples of Christ:

  • Understand the APEST gifts – the functions, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of each gift. 
  • Identify these gifts in the Body of Christ and discern counterfeit expressions to avoid. 
  • Appreciate one another’s gifts and the importance of walking together with others who are different through organic kingdom relationships and communities, so that the fullness of Christ can be expressed.
  • ​Learn how these gifts can be an expression of Christ in the context of everyday real-life. 

The following is ONLY included in Part 2 interactive: 

  • God is restoring the apostolic and prophetic to His Kingdom. The gifts of the apostle and prophet are not any more important than the evangelist, pastor/shepherd, or teacher. They are not something higher, but one of the 5‐fold functional gifts meant to train and equip the saints for the work of the ministry. We (the church) have really made them out to be something that’s religiously out of place. In fact, apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church (Eph 2:20). If the living stones of the body of Christ is built on this foundation with Christ as the chief Cornerstone, then it is important we know, understand and walk in the “who, what and how” these “foundation stones” of apostles and prophets are and should be.
  • Growing in the Apostolic and Prophetic functions, laying an apostolic- prophetic foundation in ministry for disciple-making multiplication and movement.
  • Discover how a team of different gifts within a region can function together in your culture and context.​

Interested in conducting this for your church/community of believers?
​Email us at to get the conversation started

Registration Costs

There are no registration costs. However we encourage biblical giving. Time, experience and effort are resources that have been ploughed into the training materials and sometimes into the booking of the training venue.

True biblical giving is not coerced, nor made compulsory, nor out of duty or obligation but it is always done out of love.

Jesus said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” “Freely you have received, freely give” is more than a cliché and it applies to all who are followers of Christ. It is a beautiful pattern of the kingdom economy that is befitting for the ways of the kingdom as we love and serve one another.  So do give freely and generously!